Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dreamers Arrested for Human Smuggling and Violence Against Family

There’s no doubt that our immigration system is jacked up and without our border being secure, it’s hard to know how many illegals are actually in the United States.  What the mainstream fake news will not tell you is there are a lot of so called dreamers out there committing crimes not only against their own people, but also other Americans.

Two “Dreamers” were arrested by federal law enforcement officers in unrelated incidents last week in connection with human smuggling and violent crimes.  He had originally applied for and received DACA protection in 2012, officials said. However, the man later committed assault causing serious bodily injury to a family member, driving while intoxicated and burglary of habitation. He was convicted on all crimes and eventually was released on probation.

Another Dreamer was arrested in an unrelated incident March 19 after agents found him driving a vehicle near Rodeo, N.M., in “an area frequently utilized for human smuggling,” officials said.  During the investigation, agents found three passengers who admitted to illegally entering the U.S., officials said.

The driver, whose name was not released, also admitted to agents that he knew the passengers were migrants illegally smuggled into the U.S., officials said. He allegedly told agents that he was being paid to transport the migrants. (El Paso Times)

How many more so called Dreamers have committed crimes?  How many were swept under the rug and not reported?  How many didn’t face charges and were just deported to only come back?  These are the types of issues that we face with so called Dreamers.  We do not know who they actually are if they aren’t vetted.  We need to fix this broken system and get the wall built ASAP.

Dreamers Arrested for Human Smuggling and Violence Against Family syndicated from

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